简介:In a community left behind, a large construction project offers hope for a better future. But that disappears when a local politician’s rebellious dau
简介:Apple的流媒体平台AppleTV+旗下自制剧——太空科幻剧《为了全人类》(For All Mankind)发布预告,这是AppleTV+旗下首部曝光预告的剧集。 该剧由乔尔·金纳曼、莎拉·琼斯(《诅咒》)主演,讲述美国在太空登月竞争中输给了苏联,NASA宇航员们要向火星等更远的地方探索的故事
简介: While contemplating whats next for her and her friends, Henry deals with the guilt on her shoulders over her actions. 亨利一边思考着她和她的朋友们下一步的打算,一边处理着她肩上