简介:Killian is a young man who has never left the remote mountains of Huesca (Spain) which saw him grow up. In 1953, he travels back to the exotic Equator
简介:MY HAPPY FAMILY is the story of 52-year-old Manana who is caught up in a conflict between family life and her own freedom. It poses the question as to
简介:身无分文的记者丘克(Kirk Douglas 饰)流落一座新墨西哥州的小城,他舌如巧簧向当地报馆的主编推销自己,宣称自己有制造新闻的天才。波澜不惊的小城生活让曾经供职纽约的丘克倍感无聊。这天,主编令丘克外出采访,丘克于路却意外遭遇一名小镇店主里奥被困山洞。丘克敏感的意识到这件事情背后的新闻价值,他迅