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    The main character, a young surgeon (avid consumer of red apples), excellent professional, inflexible with respect for moral norms, are in a constant struggle with indifference and ignorance of his fellow men, with their littleness of soul, the director of the hospital obtuseness and careerism. Red Apples exactly expresses the conflict between talent, professional dedication, respect the Hippocratic Oath, the protagonist came face to face with mediocrity, sufficiency and careerism of brothers who, at any cost, want to move into professional and social ladder. Rise young doctor Mitica Herod assigned to a provincial hospital, the doctor makes Mitroi prototype capped professional character, to see jeopardized the director of the hospital. Mitica (enthusiastic, charismatic and convincing in the role of actor Mircea Diaconu) makes no promises in relation to his superior, which always reminds him of his mission, the function they represent. Ignore the so-called quot;social conveniencesquot; and not promising in addressing hospital and patients. Well-meaning and lucid, ready for personal sacrifices, he believes that the world has only one real enemy: death, which, unfortunately, it always fails defeat. quot;I was preoccupied, primarily, grammatical problems of the profession. It is true, perhaps the film has a kind of enthusiasm that I have not found then. I wanted to be a human story and I think it came out as such. and that is true not consider it a merit, but a prerequisite. I never wanted to do quot;red Applesquot; true or less true. I did as I felt. quot;Alexander Tatos


    • 1.0完结点解阿Sir系阿Sir粤语陈豪,杨茜尧,吴卓羲,钟嘉欣
    • 6.0更新令和版 第10集花咲舞无法沉默 令和版今田美樱 , 山本耕史 , 菊地凛子 , 上川隆也 , 饭尾和树 , 要润 , 栗山千明 , 三宅弘城 , 山田真步 , 迫田孝也 , 犬饲贵丈 , 前野朋哉 , 浜田信也 , 武田航平 , 齐藤晓 , 矢柴俊博 , 剧团一人
    • 6.0第13集À Table!怀旧的假日市川实日子,中岛步,芋生悠,神野三铃,安奈淳,矢代朝子
    • 8.0完结烽火奇遇结良缘粤语宣萱,马德钟,欧倩怡
    • 3.0完结浪族阔少爷粤语李克勤,郑秀文,李家声,卢宛茵,刘乔方,鲍方,梁舜燕,梁葆贞,李炜祺,林家栋,麦皓为,陈中坚,曹济,冯瑞珍,何璧坚,孙季卿,吕剑光,譚兆明,丛世权,罗君左,林文森,黄仲匡,王伟梁,彭峻輝,游飙,余慕莲,麦子云,凌汉,黄文标,林健辉,曾慧云,祝文君,戴少民,邹静,廖丽丽,谈泉庆,刘桂芳,梅兰,颜仟汶,谭一清,曾健明,麦嘉伦,邓汝超,黎秀英,李海生,梁健平,河国荣,艾威,邓煜荣,欧阳莎菲,徐宝麟,應善然
    • 10.0已完结薛仁贵征东国语万梓良,邓萃雯,吴家丽,刘兆铭,秦煌,陈中坚,谭炳文,谭一清,廖启智,骏雄,骆应钧,秦沛,陶大宇,朱铁和,黄敏仪,罗国维,何贵林,罗兰,刘淑仪,黎美娴,冯志丰,陈有后,白兰,邓汝超,麦皓为,张国强,陈绍华,梁锦荣,余慕莲,曾健明,许绍雄,陈狄克,陈国权,白文彪,何璧坚,虞天伟,刘国伟,黄一飞,曾楚霖,孙季卿,冯国,严秋华,凌汉,梅兰
    • 6.0完结爱我请留言粤语黄浩然,黄翠如,洪永城,王浩信,姚子羚,陈秀珠,关礼杰,傅嘉莉,梁嘉琪,杨铠凝,周骢,罗兰,张颕康,张振朗,方伊琪,杜燕歌,鲁振顺,陈婉婷,李成昌
    • 5.0完结秀才遇着兵国语陈豪,周励淇,米雪
    • 8.0完结贼公阿牛粤语黄日华,庄静而,黎美娴,廖启智,刘丹,蘇杏璇
    • 1.0完结天子寻龙国语陈浩民,文颂娴,杨茜尧
    • 2.0完结人间蒸发粤语苗侨伟,吴美珩,许绍雄,夏萍,陈国邦,廖碧儿,马国明,陈秀珠,杨秀惠,康华,丘梓谦,骆应钧,蔡洁雯,邓健泓,张英才,钟志光,李思捷,陈思齐,鲁振顺,简慕华,米雪,邝佐辉,梁舜燕,李日升,王俊棠,黄智贤,王青,罗君左,袁洁仪,吴幸美,李漫芬,王少玲,林远迎,萧徽勇,陈琪,陈荣峻,殷樱,潘家雯,杨嘉诺,河国荣,戴志伟,罗莽,李丽丽,黄芓晴,郑家生,蔡国庆,赵季筱,钟建文
    • 6.0完结奇幻人间世粤语吴岱融,邵美琪,陈美琪,吴启明,黄泽峰

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