In the Korean Classic Horror Movie, A Public Cemetery of Wolha 1967, the tombstone of the kisaeng (Korean geisha) Wol-ha, who dies under a false accusation, is found! Set in the 1930s when Korea was under Japanese rule, a story was told about a girl, Wolhyang. She goes from a student to a kisaeng (Korean geisha) to a wife of a bourgeois man and is finally killed under a false accusation. This is a well-known story in Korea from the Korean classic horror movie, A Public Cemetery of Wolha. The movie, Wol-ha 2017, starts with a setting, where the tombstone of Wol-ha is found by an international collector and the whole process of finding the tomb of Kisaeng Wolhyang is recorded by video. The footages are fully of the mysterious and the grotesque...!
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