简介:This series is set in the long hot summer of 1959 and wedding season is in full swing in the Cambridgeshire village of Grantchester. As the Reverend
简介:“督爷”杰夫·布里吉斯将首次主演剧集。他将出演FX新剧《老人》(The Old Man),改编自Thomas Perry的同名畅销书。布里吉斯饰演的Dan Chase是一个退休的CIA官员,几十年前从CIA逃走,从此低调隐居。但如今一个杀手找上门来,要把他解决。而Chase为了化解麻烦,不得不重访自
简介:老富翁爱德华?科尔(杰克?尼克尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰)近年来在公立医院的私有化改造事业中获利颇丰,他为节省成本,规定病房“一房两床”的做法颇受非议,但性格强势的科尔不以为意,岂料他不久被检查出罹患癌症,本欲入住单人病房的科尔在舆论压力下只得与另一位病人——老卡特(摩根?弗里曼 Mor
简介:This series is set in the long hot summer of 1959 and wedding season is in full swing in the Cambridgeshire village of Grantchester. As the Reverend W