简介:In the distant future, Jack Deadman and his military team are the final hope to save our dying earth from its hellish apocalypse. The mission is to en
简介: Channel4英国谐星,主持人,黑镜的主创和编剧 Charlie Brooker列出了二十五款英国游戏史上最重要的游戏,在回顾这些经典游戏的同时探讨游戏的演变过程,分析游戏给社会带来的影响,以及预测游戏的未来。这是 Channel4在2013年播出的一部纪录片,由多年的游戏玩家及批评家 Cha
简介:In 1960s England, Blake Cunningham and his alcoholic mother are forced to move into the mysterious Clemonte Hall, a vast isolated manor house, to care