简介:Set in the American West of 1876, 'R.I.P.D.2: Rise of the Damed' is a spiritual (pardon the pun) sequel to 2013's 'R.I.P.D.' Sheriff Roy Pulsipher isn
简介:二战期间,战争与死亡的阴云笼罩整个欧洲,无一国家幸免。 居住在匈牙利的14岁犹太青年卡维(Marcell Nagy 饰),在乘车探望父亲的路上被纳粹军人拦下,随后被送往集中营。在这个非人的所在,死亡、疾病、虐待、恐惧时刻威胁着他们的生命。听取了好友凯尔泰斯的建议,卡维发誓无论如何也要活着走出这个人
简介:Somewhere in the remote region, the war ends. In the midst of ruined cities and houses in the streets, in rural hamlets, everywhere where people still