简介:ynopsis from Time Out Film Guide Between the seemingly idyllic opening and closing scenes depicting a rural community, first at church, then at the vi
简介:A ground-breaking immersive competition series that drops 8 young people into the fantastic, fictional world of Everealm, where they must save a Kingd
简介:《Time Out 电影指南》中的剧情简介:在描绘乡村社区的田园诗般的开场和结束场景之间,首先是在教堂,然后是乡村节日,弗莱施曼毫无悔意地攻击了该社区的偏见和无知。他非常仔细地观察了巴伐利亚的生活,一开始只不过是展示了村民们不断的开玩笑、下流的幽默、不断的闲言碎语,以及他们的迟钝的暗示。随着一个年轻